"The sky is the limit" at Vespucci if you are a looking for a Custom Vespa. If you don't quite know where to start in your search for your dream Custom Vespa, we would love to give you a hand.
At Vespucci there are four types of Vespas that you can customize in every detail. De most popular of these is de VespaSprint, this one is known for its distinctive hexagonal headlight en sporty look. At number two is de VespaPrimavera which with its beautiful retro look is very much in de taste among de the Dutch. Then there is de VespaElettrica which runs 100% electric. En finally there is de VespaGTS, this motor scooter is available in 125CC en 300CC.
Put together a Vespa with all possible options: who wouldn't want that? Through our wide range of different accessories en parts you can totally personalize your Vespa. At Vespucci you can choose from all kinds of custom colors so that your Vespa becomes 'one of a kind' . Besides de color, you can also choose from different versions of lights, luggage carriers, footrests, tires or shock absorbers. After all, all these parts contribute to de special looks of your customized Vespa.
With regard to saddles, we work closely with de best saddlers who work with de finest fabric leather. As a result, it is therefore possible for us to realize completely new, not yet existing options for our customers. For example, it is even possible to have different motifs or patterns stitched onto a saddle. It seems like a small detail, but it can give your Vespa just that little bit extra. We often get feedback from our customers that just picking out all the options is like a party!
You can also think about special rims, special brackets or windshields. Besides de exterior, there are also a lot of options that are not visible to the naked eye, but can be of great value for your Vespa. Think for example of a special exhaust with a chunky sound, or a set of nice brake discs visible through de rims. In short; plenty of options to design your own unique Vespa.
Indeed, we certainly don't hide our love for Vespa. En that we love to share with everyone. Get inspired by some of our customized Vespas. Or let your own creativity go wild in our 3D Configurator. All you have to do now is think about which Vespa you want to customize:
- Do you want to customize a Vespa Sprint? Then go to Vespa Sprint
- Want to customize a Vespa Primavera? Then go to Vespa Primavera
- Do you want to customize a Vespa Elettrica? Then go to Vespa Elettrica
- Do you want to customize a Vespa GTS? Then go to Vespa GTS
Buying a Customized Vespa from Vespucci can be done in 2 ways.
- You create your own unique new Custom Vespa that meets all your personal requirements with our 3D configurator. When you are completely satisfied with the result you can put your Custom Vespa in your shopping basket en directly.
- Choose from or custom occasions that feature unique options en save on your purchase.
Do you still need advice or would you rather make an appointment at one of our branches for your search for your new Custom Vespa? Then scroll all the way down en leave your phone number and we will contact you as soon as possible!
Whether you want to buy or lease a Custom Vespa, at Vespucci you can do both! We, at Vespucci, understand that leasing a Vespa scooter can often be very attractive. Leasing at Vespucci brings many advantages. For example, you do not have to worry about de payment of your new Custom Vespa, because we receive the full amount in one time from de lenders. You also know exactly how much you will spend each month en how long you will be paying off. Furthermore, you benefit from a fixed low interest rate that does not depend on de market.
Leasing a new composite Vespa is also hugely interesting for entrepreneurs, that way you keep more money in your own business, you can deduct de interest en you can write off de Vespa!
Custom Vespa Leasing for de Business Scooter Rider
In the Netherlands it is allowed to deduct the total amount of interest paid, based on a financial lease agreement, from de profit, this is de interest deduction financial lease.
De investment deduction is an amount you can deduct from de profits if you have invested in business assets. By de investment deduction your profit will be lower en so you pay less tax.
In de legislation on VAT, financial lease is considered a supply. The amount of VAT can be reclaimed in one lump sum.
A company immediately disposes of de Vespa, but pays an agreed number of fixed instalments. Because with financial lease you do not have to use your own financial resources, you retain your liquidity. As an entrepreneur you have all the space you need to do business!
Discover more from Vespucci
Vespa Sprints
Vespa Primavera
Vespa GTS
Vespa Elettrica
Vespa Occasions